
Editor’s Note: Please visit our home page for a full listing of abortion facts.

CalebDear Caleb,

The best Christmas gift of all this year was YOU! Your mommy, Hope, loves you very much. You probably feel her love already. But, what you don’t know is, while you were still wrapped in your warm, dark secure world in her womb, she was very busy preparing for you. Oh, not the normal things you think about like baby clothes or decorating your room. True, she didn’t have anything for you, or even a place to call home. But she knew what was most important. 

Your mommy wanted to be the best mommy possible and she knew she needed help to do that. She came to see us at Women’s Choice Pregnancy Clinic, asking if she could get counseling and parenting classes. She was there every week, faithfully learning about how to care for you, nurture you and make your childhood happy and secure. 

She did her homework and read everything she could get her hands on. She even helped us at the clinic, sorting and straightening baby clothes. (I think she really liked doing this because she got “first dibbs” on things for you which is why you are the best dressed little guy in town!) We all came to love your mommy.

God knew your mommy’s needs. By the time you made your appearance she had all your furniture, clothes and accessories. She even had a place to call home. You see, God knew that you and your mommy needed somewhere to live so He brought Greta Warner and her extra rooms into your life just at the right time.

When your mommy came to Women’s Choice Pregnancy Clinic she was looking for help. She was looking for someone to talk to – someone to care. She found something she wasn’t expecting – she found Jesus! Because of this, you will hear about Jesus even as a little boy. You’re a very lucky little guy!

With love,

Your friends at Women’s Choice Pregnancy Clinic