The Death Culture and Euthanasia
Editor’s Note: Please visit our home page for a full listing of abortion facts.
Reprinted with permission from L.E.A.R.N. Inc.
by Noreen Z. Johnson, M.D.
For most of us the introduction to euthanasia came in the mid eighties with the case of Nancy Cruzan who, in a semi-comatose state was deprived of food and water and took one week to die. This was a landmark case of Passive Euthanasia which by definition is the withholding of food, water, oxygen and unwanted medical treatment such as artificial life sustaining technology, and allowing the patient to die a natural death.
Next came the Living Will also in the mid eighties. This is the document a patient signs on admission to the hospital defining the extent of medical intervention he/she desires in the event of a life threatening clinical condition. Our society’s acceptance of the Living Will completely changed the yardstick for measuring human worth. The ethic then changed from “sanctity of human life” to “quality of human life” where human worth is no longer spiritual but physical.
We then saw the evolution of Voluntary Euthanasia in the form of Physician Assisted Suicide in the early nineties–Dr. Jack Kevorkian (“Dr. Death”) being its pioneer in this country. In this procedure the physician provides the patient with (but does not himself administer) the lethal drug or agent so the patient can kill himself. This era marked the beginning of a series of assisted suicide cases by the retired pathologist which continue today unabated by the law.
Euthanasia, or Physician Aid in Dying, first became legal in the Netherlands over a decade ago. In its practice the physician directly administers a lethal dose of medication or other agent with the intent of killing the patient. The country Holland with a track record of over ten years of euthanasia is an example of what happens when physician assisted suicide is made permissible. Holland is now dealing with cases of Involuntary Euthanasia where the physicians made those decisions themselves without the consent of the patients or their families.
With the quality of life ethic being pervasive in our society today we are beginning to see the predicted increase in suicide among teenagers, the elderly, the chronically ill and the depressed.
If we as Christians do not actively oppose and change this death ethic which has perverted our land, our society can then justify any atrocity, just as the Nazis did, directed against certain classes of human beings considered disposable.
Ask yourself the questions, “Is there a connection between euthanasia and the abortion nightmare?” And, “How do they both relate to the issue of Black Genocide”?