Elliot Institute

Editor’s Note: Please visit our home page for a full listing of abortion facts.

The Elliot Institute is a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation that was founded in 1988 to perform original research and education on the impact of abortion on women, men, siblings, and society. The Elliot Institute publishes research and educational materials and works as an advocate for women and men seeking post-abortion healing.

One of our most frequently asked questions: Who is Elliot? Is he a wealthy philanthropist who has funded our work because he shares our belief that proving how abortion hurts so many women is the key to ending the scourge of abortion? We wish!

No, the name of the Elliot Institute for Social Sciences Research is not a memorial, but was chosen for purely pragmatic reasons. Among our many research projects, we have mailed out over 5000 surveys to random sample of women. To maximize response, and avoid skewing the results, we needed a neutral name. Indeed, in some of our surveys the population being sampled does not even know that we are particularly interested in women who have had abortions. Therefore, “The Post-Abortion Research Institute” was out of the question.

“Elliot” was literally picked from a baby names book. The personal name was added with the intention of making the name more personalized, yet formal and a bit stuffy – in an academic way. This was done with the hope to make the Institute’s name more “friendly,” yet plausible and dignified, for the sake of the recipients of our survey forms.

So, our name is not of any particular significance. We are even willing to change it. So, if you or a rich aunt would like to underwrite our work with a large endowment, we would be glad to change the name to the “Smith Institute”, the “Charlie Group,” or whatever memorial name you would like! Just let us know.

The Elliot Institute was kind enough to let AbortionFacts.com use their information on our website. If you appreciate the work that they have done and continue to do you can support them through various ways.