Fact #16: Every legal surgical abortion stops a beating heart and terminates measurable brain waves.

Home » Facts » Fact #16: Every legal surgical abortion stops a beating heart and terminates measurable brain waves.

What do we call it when a person no longer has a heartbeat or brain waves? Death. It’s a scientific fact that life begins at conception, but even more obvious; what should we call it when there is a heartbeat and there are brain waves? Life. It is an indisputable fact that each and every legal surgical abortion in America today stops a beating heart and stops already measurable brain waves.

Using figures dependent on abortion clinic records, about half of all abortions occur at eight weeks or less, 88 percent happen within twelve weeks, and 9 percent from thirteen to twenty weeks. The remainder (nearly fourteen thousand per year) are reported at beyond twenty-one weeks. [1]

When Women Have Abortions Pie ChartHowever, abortion clinic workers say that clinics underreport later abortìons. Newsweek states, “Statistics on abortion are notoriously suspect.” [2]
I have interviewed abortion clinic workers who say that no abortions occur before six weeks, and most do not occur until the baby’s eighth week of development. Even when pregnancies are detected earlier, operators want to make sure the unborn is large enough to do a proper inventory of his severed body parts. (A hand or leg inadvertently left in the mother will cause a dangerous infection.)

What this means is that every description of an unborn child prior to fifty-six days gestation is true of the majority of aborted unborns. Every description prior to forty-two days—including beating heart (twenty-one days) and measurable brain waves (forty days)—is true of every single aborted child. An actual audio tape of the clear, strong heartbeat of an infant at less than seven weeks was made by obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Louis Hicks of Lexington, Kentucky. [3]
It is sobering to listen to the beating heart of an unborn child who is at the earliest age abortions are performed.

Even Ann Furedi, chief executive of the largest independent British abortion chain British Pregnancy Advisory Service has publicly stated that: [4]

I accept that abortion stops a beating heart and I accept that abortion ends a potential human life, even in the very earliest weeks of pregnancy.

Of course, it is a scientific fact that life begins at conception so abortion doesn’t just end a “potential human life” but an actual already existent life.

What do we call it when a person no longer has a heartbeat or brain waves? Death. It’s a scientific fact that life begins at conception, but even more obvious; what should we call it when there is a heartbeat and there are brain waves? Life. It is an indisputable fact that each and every legal surgical abortion in America today stops a beating heart and stops already measurable brain waves.

What do we call it when a person no longer has a heartbeat or brain waves? Death. It’s a scientific fact that life begins at conception, but even more obvious; what should we call it when there is a heartbeat and there are brain waves? Life. It is an indisputable fact that each and every legal surgical abortion in America today stops a beating heart and stops already measurable brain waves.


  1. “Facts in Brief,” rev. February 2000, the Alan Guttmacher Institute, www.agi-usa.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html.
  2. “The Doctor’s Dilemma,” Newsweek, 17 July 1989,25.
  3. Dr. Hicks’s audiotape of an unborn child’s beating heart at six weeks and five days of development is available for $300 from Cincinnati Right to life, 1802 W. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45239.
  4. http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/abortion-chain-ceo-i-accept-that-abortion-stops-a-beating-heart/ Last accessed Nov 5, 2012

John C. Willke M.D.

John Charles Willke was an American author, physician, and anti-abortion activist. He served as president of National Right to Life and, along with his wife Barbara, authored a number of books on abortion and human sexuality. Selected content reprinted with permission from John C. Willke M.D., Barbara H. Willke R.N., John Jefferson Davis Ph.D., David C. Reardon Ph.D., Abort73.com, Eternal Perspective Ministries, Abolish Human Abortion, Life Issues Institute, BlackGenocide.org, Heritage House '76, Inc. & The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. Please click here to donate to these organizations.